23 Ocak 2012 Pazartesi



Males have some body organs which are different from those of females. Therefore, the Shariat has stipulated, in some cases, different laws for males and different for females.  If we look at Haj, Salaah, etc. we will notice that there are some rulings which are different for males in comparison to females. 

In Salaah there are different rulings for males and females. The Jumu'a Salaah is not Fardh on a female. (Abu Dawood, Mishkaat, Vol.1, Page 1).

For a male, the best place of worship is in the masjid whereas for a female the best place of worship is in her house.  Rather, the corner of her room is even better. (Abu Dawood, Mishkaat, Vol.1, Page 96).  The Shariat had considered the Hijaab issue and declared the best place of worship for a lady to be in the corner of her room.

Covering of her person (Satr or Aurah) is compulsory on a lady, therefore she has been prevented from carrying out certain actions, e.g.  regarding their hijaab and conduct, the Qur'an says:  "And tell the believing women that they should cast down their gazes and preserve their chastity, and that they should not display their ornaments (beauty, organs and limbs) except that which is apparent of it. And let them draw their head-coverings over their bosoms, and let them not display their finery except to their husbands..."  (Surah Noor, Chapter 4, Aayat 31).  Thus, females have to be modest when talking to males by casting their gazes down and well as have their bosoms covered so that, as far as possible, the shape and size of their bosoms is not visible.

Regarding their talking, the Qur'an mentions:  "O women of the Nabi! You are unlike the common women if you exercise self-abstinence. Therefore, be not too complacent in speech, lest he in whose heart there lurks a disease hold out hope; and (anyway) say a suitable word."  (Surah Ahzaab, Chapter 4, Aayah 32).  The above verse is regarding the manner in which a female should speak to strange men. Although the verse is referring to the wives of the Prophet, but the law is general (i.e. referring to all females). 

Even during her Salaah, she should not expose her body but rather conceal herself.

The following differences are found in a females Salaah:

1.  Raising the hands:

Waail bin Hujr states that Rasulullah said to him:  "Oh Ibn Hujr, when you perform Salaah raise your hands till your ears while a woman should raise her hands till her chest."  i.e. her shoulders ("Majma-uz-Zawaaid")

The Muslim Ummah continued this practice over the centuries. Imam Zuhri (R.A.) used to issue the same fatwa in Madinatul Munawwarah.  In view of this narration the Fuqaha (jurists) have issued the following ruling, as mentioned in Al-Hidayah,: "A female should raise her hands till her shoulders.  This is the correct view because there is more concealment in this posture for her."

2.  The placing of the hands:

"The Jurists are unanimous in that the Sunnah way for women is to place their hands upon their bosoms as this is more covering for her."  ("As-Si'aayah", Vol. 2, Page 156.)

3.  Sajdah:

Imam Abu Dawood has narrated the following Hadith in his "Maraasil", Page 118

Yazid bin Habib states that Rasulullah passed by two women who were performing their Salaah.  He said to them:  "When you prostrate, join some flesh to the earth (i.e. place some parts of the body on the ground) as women are unlike men in these aspects."  ("Maraasil", Page 118)

In another Hadith Nabi mentioned:  "When a lady prostrates, she must attach her stomach to her thighs, i.e. her stomach and thighs must touch each other.  ("Sunanul Kubra", Vol.2, Page 223.)

4.  The Sitting Position:

Ibn Abbas was asked regarding the Salaah of a female.  He replied:  "She must draw herself close together and lean onto one side, i.e. by resting on her left buttock."  ("Al-Musannif Ibn  Shaybah", Vol.1, Page 270.)

It is mentioned in the Musnad of Imam Abu Hanifah (R.A.): 

Ibn Umar  was asked:  "How did the women perform Salaah during the time of Rasulullah?"  He replied:  "They performed "Tarabbu'", then they were instructed to draw themselves close together (i.e. they should lean onto one side by resting on their left buttocks and completely contracting themselves.)  ("Jami'ul Masaanid", Vol 1, Page 400)

"Tarabbu'" means to sit cross-legged.  The women used to sit in this position before they were ordered to do the above and this position i.e. Tarabbu' was abrogated.


Therefore we come to find out that there is a difference between the Salaah of a male and female as we can see from the above proofs from the Qur'an and Hadith.

This Fatwa was answered by Mufti Muhammad bin Ishaaq Nakwa and attested to by Mufti Muhammad Ashraf, Head of the Darul Iftaa, Jameah Mahmoodiyah.

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